Flying Home for our 3rd Anniversary

3 years anniversary

At the start of the year, the possibility of my husband and I to go home for vacation was like finding Nemo in the sand dunes of Abu Dhabi.

Since we got married, we’ve never been back to the Philippines. For 2 years I’ve been asking Sam to pre-book his vacation dates but complications at work won’t allow it. I, also, have switched to a new position at work and felt it was too early to ask for a vacation.

SV Wedding

Knowing how important this break is for both of us, I stopped nagging my husband and started nagging God to make our 3rd year anniversary meaningful.

In due time, Sam shifted departments and got the leave dates he deserved (thanks to his new boss) and I was given approval for my leave requests. I wanted to hug my new boss but it was too early for emotional attachments.

God wasn’t finished with his surprise. He gave us the best seats on a full flight with the biggest discount.

Etihad Business Class

After spending more than 10 hours a day, week after week,  writing about Etihad’s services, it feels nice to actually sit back, relax and let your company take care of you.


I find my husband transforming into a little boy when he is on board an aircraft. He touches all the buttons, tests and asks about everything he sees, spies on his neighbors and makes sure he gets what others get.

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At one point during the flight, he whispered to me,

“The cabin crew forgot me, she didn’t give me that little bag you have.”

He meant the amenity kit. I told him,

“You have to behave first, then they’ll give you one.”


Before the flight, I was awake for more that 24 hours, finishing drafts for work, before I can leave. So the entire time we were up in the air, I was dead to the world.

8.5 hours later, we landed.

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Welcome back to where it is more fun!

7 thoughts on “Flying Home for our 3rd Anniversary

  1. Nice haircut, Cap!
    Welcome back and have a great time here, both of you.
    Question, is business class the best in Etihad flights? No first class?


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