Knock on the Door

What happens when you finally open that door of opportunity and start a business under your name? People automatically assume, “oh she’s rich, she has a business.” What they don’t know is that most people starting their own businesses can go broke and swim in debts, especially in the first few years.

This week I moved to a new home up in our paragliding take-off mountain. It’s a little log cabin that we tried to restore and make live-able. Everybody is amazed at how awesome it is turning out. But what they don’t see is that my bank accounts are empty, my fridge is bare, rice is running out and I wake up each morning, thinking “where do we get food for today?”

But here’s the joy of moving up the mountains. Someone knocks on your door and your new friends hand you freshly-harvested vegetables and local goods.

Here’s how my first week went in Tiblac, Ambaguio:

Knock, knock. One bag of cucumber.

Knock, knock. One sack of kamote.

Knock knock. Assorted vegetables.

Knock knock. One thermos of barako coffee.

Knock, knock. A basket of goodies and rice cakes.

Knock, knock. A set of vintage chairs

Knock, knock. A little cash.

Each time I open that door, my heart gets flooded with anticipation. And every time I close it behind me, my eyes tear up with gratefulness.

It’s amazing how much of an inspiration you will be for someone, if you go to those starting their own businesses and offer them any kind of help you can give.

It’s been a week up in the mountains and I am thankful that one of the first things we fixed in the cabin was our wooden door. Because the sound of knock, knock on that front entry has become the sound of God speaking to me, “my child, do not worry. I will provide.”

Knock, knock.

4 thoughts on “Knock on the Door

  1. Hi , one day I can visit you in your place. Let us spread the Gospel of salvation that Jesus Christ gave and commanded us written in the book of Matthew 28 and Mark 16.

    Rommel Cruz,CPO


  2. Waaah! Kakakilig si Lord! Kilig ako for you and the community of people you are blessing there with your hardwork and creativity. Dyan ako magstay pag finally makakabook na ng paragliding mo. Love and miss you, Vio! 🙂


  3. Knock knock. I’m still arriving April 5th. I will be adding to the blessings that God sends you as you pray Oh Lord give us this day our daily bread.

    Lee tells me he is going to be unavailable to drive for me while I’m there so can you assist me in getting someone who can?

    Thanks. And I’d love to see your cabin and sip some coffee too.

    Best regards



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